The rise of kyoshi books
The rise of kyoshi books

the rise of kyoshi books the rise of kyoshi books the rise of kyoshi books

Even the village captain fails to keep her composure when her daughter Aoma is proven not to be the next Avatar. The two masters commence their test but soon discover that what seemed easy in theory can result in pure chaos in reality, as a failure to select the four relics is taken badly by the Earth Kingdom children and their parents. Without stopping his work, the monk responds that he did not ask for permission just as Jianzhu had not requested Lu Beifong's blessing to administer the Air Nomad test in the earth cycle. While the airbender is finishing up, Jianzhu expresses his surprise at the amount of toys and asks Kelsang how he managed to convince Abbot Dorje to let him take the relics. Entering the hall, the Earth Sage finds Kelsang meticulously organizing worn toys on ten long yellow cloths stretched across the floor, among which are the four Avatar relics they hoped an Earth Kingdom child would select. Jianzhu makes his way to the two-story meeting hall at the end of a Yokoyan avenue, where their test would take place. To this end, he and Jianzhu traveled to the remote Yokoya Port to run their sacrilegious experiment, as the town was easily overlooked by ships, merchants, and even maps, as well as being a safe distance away from the turmoil ravaging the rest of the world. Seven years after Kuruk's death, Kelsang stole the Air Nomad Avatar relics in hopes that they could do what the traditional Earth Kingdom ways had failed to accomplish: find the next Avatar in the earth cycle. After an unsuccessful day, they meet Kyoshi. Desperate to discover the Avatar, Kelsang and Jianzhu test Yokoyan children.

The rise of kyoshi books